Terms & Conditions

GOBACKPACK CAMP 2019 Competition (landing page)

These terms and conditions are valid for the Jack Wolfskin “GOBACKPACK CAMP 2019 Competition” (hereinafter: “Competition”). The Competition has been organised by Jack Wolfskin Ausrüstung für Draußen GmbH & Co. KGaA, Jack Wolfskin Kreisel 1, D-65510 Idstein/Ts., Germany (hereinafter: “Jack Wolfskin” or “Organiser”).

Section 1 - GENERAL

  1. The GOBACKPACK CAMP is the first outdoor camp organised by Jack Wolfskin, which will be located on a private Swedish island. With participation in the Competition you will have the chance to participate at the GOBACKPACK CAMP where a range of exciting activities will be waiting for you. There will be a Jack Wolfskin team and other travel enthusiasts on site. The GOBACKPACK CAMP will be taking place on the island of Bergholmarna, close to Stockholm, in July 2019.

  2. There are three camp packages available on the island, each one for a maximum of 30 participants. The individual dates are:

    • a) 20/07 to 22/07/19
    • b) 23/07 to 25/07/19
    • c) 26/07 to 28/07/19

    This means that Competition participants can win to take part in the outdoor camp on one of the three above mentioned dates and take along a buddy (hereinafter: “Travelbuddy”) for a two-night (three-day) stay on the island. The dates on which the respective winner travels will be chosen at random. Full details concerning participation are described in Section 3 below.


  1. There are three different competition periods:

    • d) 14/03 to 15/04/19
    • e) 16/04 to 15/05/19
    • f) 16/05 to 15/06/19
  2. The Competition periods will begin at 09:00 hours (CET) and end at 18:00 hours (CET) respectively. Entries which arrive after the closing date will not be taken into consideration. Participation in the Competition is only possible via the GOBACKPACK CAMP website.

    1. Prize:
    • a. Among all valid entries, 2 x 2 places will be drawn from each competition period for our GOBACKPACK CAMP 2019 in Sweden. The respective winner and Travelbuddy will spend three days and two nights in the outdoor camp on one of the aforementioned travel dates.
    • b. Moreover, travel costs incurred to/from the destination will be reimbursed up to a total amount of EUR 800.00 for each winner. The winner will be required to submit to Jack Wolfskin proof of the costs incurred (copies of invoices) for travel to/from destination for themself and Travelbuddy; the sum reimbursed is limited to the maximum sum stated above, irrespective of the actual costs incurred for travel to/from the destination. A special form from Jack Wolfskin will be provided, where the name, address, costs incurred and bank account details must be entered and sent together with all valid receipts/invoices to Jack Wolfskin.


  1. Only persons who have reached the minimum legal age and registered as permanent residents in one of the following countries are entitled to take part: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland and Great Britain. Only one entry per person is allowed. The prize cannot be transferred to anyone else. Employees of Jack Wolfskin as well as staff working in Jack Wolfskin stores and their relatives are not eligible to take part in the Competition. Participants who provide false, invalid or incorrect details may be barred from taking part in the Competition at any time. An entry using an automated entry service (e.g. a competition service) will automatically lead to disqualification.

  2. To take part in the Competition, the participant must

    • a. Competition period 14/03 to 15/04:fill in the GOBACKPACK CAMP Competition form on our website, describing what backpacking means to them. By providing their name, email address, date of birth and country of permanent residence as well as consenting to the T&Cs, they are entitled to take part in the Competition.

    • b. Competition period 16/04 to 15/05:fill in the GOBACKPACK CAMP Competition form on our website, voting for their favourite outdoor camp activity. By providing their name, email address, date of birth and country of permanent residence as well as consenting to the T&Cs, they are entitled to take part in the Competition.

    • c. Competition period 16/05 to 15/06:fill in the GOBACKPACK CAMP Competition form on our website, describing what backpacking means to them. By providing their name, email address, date of birth and country of permanent residence as well as consenting to the T&Cs, they are entitled to take part in the Competition.

  3. Please note that no purchase of any Jack Wolfskin goods are required in order to take part in the Competition or to increase chances of winning.

  4. Among all valid entries, the winners will be drawn at random by employees of Jack Wolfskin Ausrüstung für Draußen GmbH & Co. KGaA. Jack Wolfskin will notify the winners of the Competition naming the exact period for their participation in the camp by email. The respective winner must respond to the email notification within seven (7) days of receiving it via the notification e-mail stated contact information to state whether or not they will be taking part in the outdoor camp. If the winner does not reply to Jack Wolfskin within the said period, the entitlement to the prize is thereby relinquished. The prize will then be drawn once again.

  5. Besides receiving notification of the prize, the winners will also be sent a GOBACKPACK CAMP 2019 form from Jack Wolfskin as well as the associated T&Cs. It is imperative that the winner fills in for themselves and and signs the forms, and sends these to Jack Wolfskin by post, as well as his Travelbuddy. The winner is given ten (10) days to do this (postmark is decisive). Additional to the T&Cs the winner and Travelbuddy should add a copy of a valid license or passport. If a winner does not send back the completed forms to Jack Wolfskin within the said period, their prize is then automatically redrawn.

  6. All winners are responsible for their own ability to use the prize. No cash alternatives will be given. Entitlement to the prize cannot be ceded or transferred.

  7. Jack Wolfskin reserves the right to check that a participant is entitled to take part in the Competition. Jack Wolfskin may disqualify participants from taking part in the Competition without having to state the reasons for doing so.

  8. Entries with false, misleading or fraudulent details will be disqualified and their entry will not be processed.

  9. All rights other than those detailed in these conditions of participation cannot be derived from the competition.

  10. By taking part in the Competition the participant consents to Jack Wolfskin quoting their name and place of residence in conjunction with publishing details of the participants in the camp (without necessarily having to do so) in case of winning. This right includes advertising, in any form, on behalf of Jack Wolfskin and its products or services, irrespective of the medium (TV, including pay TV and pay-per-view, cinema, radio, print media, press, posters and billboards, catalogues, brochures, leaflets, internet, mobile communications, fixed networks, OOH media etc.).

Section 4 – DATA PRIVACY

By taking part in the Competition, the participant consents to having their personal data stored and used for the purpose of carrying out the Competition. The participant is entitled, at any stage, to revoke their consent by sending this in writing to JACK WOLFSKIN Ausrüstung für Draußen GmbH & Co. KGaA, Jack Wolfskin Kreisel 1, 65510 Idstein, Germany or by email to: info@jack-wolfskin.com. If consent is revoked, the participant will no longer be included in the Competition.

General data privacy terms can be viewed in our webshop at: https://www.jack-wolfskin.lt/Data-Protection.html

Section 5 – LIABILITY

  1. Jack Wolfskin is only liable – irrespective of whatever legal grounds – in cases where Jack Wolfskin is responsible for a breach of duty, of which the fulfilment is possible within the proper organisation of this competition, of which the breach jeopardises the achievement of the aim of the competition or on the fulfilment of which the participant/winner regularly relies (major obligation). In this case, the liability of the organiser is limited to damages which are foreseeable and typical of this type of contract. Liability for lost savings or any other indirect consequential damages is excluded. Liability for material defects or title defect of the prize is also excluded. Existing limits or exclusions to liability also apply to the personal liability for bodies, employees or agents of the organiser.

  2. Jack Wolfskin retains the right to terminate, amend or postpone the GOBACKPACK CAMP and the associated competition at any time and without prior notice if it should turn out that factual or legal reasons mean proper organisation of the competition cannot be guaranteed. In this context, Jack Wolfskin excludes all liability or other claims to compensation. In particular, Jack Wolfskin is entitled to change, discontinue, interrupt or suspend the GOBACKPACK CAMP if a proper execution of the camp (in particular due to natural disasters, health or terror hazards as well as technical or legal problems) is no longer ensured.

  3. In particular, Jack Wolfskin is entitled to change, discontinue, cancel or suspend the competition if

  • proper organisation can no longer be guaranteed (in particular in the case of hardware or software failure, programme errors, computer viruses or unauthorised access by third parties, as well as mechanical, technical or legal problems).
  1. Jack Wolfskin accepts no liability if, for reasons for which Jack Wolfskin is not responsible, notifications are lost en route to the participants and/or do not reach the participant.

Section 6 – ASSURANCE

As a participant in the Competition, the participant warrants that the personal information provided is true and correct. They are required to notify any subsequent change to their personal details on their own initiative during the course of the entire competition and travel period.

Section 7 – EXCLUSIONS

  1. Jack Wolfskin expressly reserves the right to exclude persons from participating in the GOBAPCKPACK CAMP Competition in the event that they violate these conditions of participation.


  1. There is no cash alternative for a prize winner of the GOBACKPACK CAMP.

  2. All decisions are final.

  3. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply.

  4. Should individual provisions of these conditions of participation be or become invalid or incomplete, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.

  5. Any complaint or enquiries pertaining to the Competition’s T&Cs must be sent in writing to: JACK WOLFSKIN Ausrüstung für Draußen GmbH & Co. KGaA, Jack Wolfskin Kreisel 1, 65510 Idstein, Germany or by email to: info@jack-wolfskin.com.